Artist Statement:
I experience life and the world in an amplified way. I feel things deeply and express things strongly. When I walk through a garden, I don’t just see the garden, I feel the garden! From the stillness of the rainforest to bright sunshine contrasted with deep shadows on desert mountains, playful wildlife, skies filled with clouds, sunrises and sunsets, nature touches me and changes me. My paintings are saturated with these experiences and feelings. I express joyful celebration, deep peaceful tranquility and bright love and hope with strong color and playful ideas.
I have recently been thinking deeply about the unseen or unnoticed "peoples" behind all the gorgeous places and lands around us. I am currently exploring this in my artwork - inspring both myself, and hopefully others, to see other people through eyes of love, compassion and empathy.
I invite you to explore my art on the pages of this website.
We recently completed our move from Hawaii to Arizona! Thanks for your patience. Most items are now available once again. Purchase options can be found by clicking on the "Learn More" buttons on the portfolio pages.
Look what's new!
The latest news from my studio
Amelia's Apache Plume
My first painting from a trip to the Grand Canyon might not be what you would expect. But this little watercolor comes with its own fascinating story of walking the trails at the canyon's rim. It will show up on my encouragement website sometime soon.
And I am very excited to announce that the original will be showing at the...
Small Works Exhibition and Sale
at the Sedona Arts Center, Sedona Arizona,
December 6-22, 2024
You can find more information about the Exhibit HERE.
Dreaming of a Pink Christmas
My newest painting was created in honor of my mentor, artistic supporter and friend, Ira Ono. Every year in November, Ira gets a special shipment of unique poinsettia’s called “Sexy Pink”. They sell out quickly over Thanksgiving weekend, but Ira displays many around his gardens and Art Gallery, Volcano Garden Arts, throughout the winter. I am always in awe of the gorgeous pinks, edged in whites. Here is a pink Christmas for you to enjoy year round.
Two additional ways to enjoy Melanie's art
Thanks for visiting my artist website. I think you might also enjoy my newsletter and the home of my personal Encouragement Initiative.
Art Lifting Hearts
"Art Lifting Hearts" is the home of my personal effort to offer encouragment, as well as helping you find ways to encourage others . It's there that you will find my inspirational art stories and "Gifts of Encouragement".
Melanie's Email Newsletter
My newsletter is the easiest way to hear about the newest stories and paintings to come out of my studio. I think you'll find it inspirational. Let us know you want to receive it with the form below. Be sure to check your email to confirm your subscription. We never spam and we never sell email addresses.
© 2025 Melanie Pruitt